How to Stay Cool While Painting in the Summer Heat

 In Painting Tips

Summer is here and it’s brought cookouts, pool time, and other fun in the sun, but it has also brought the heat. All of you out there working on any exterior staining and exterior house painting projects know just how unbearable the heat can be. But don’t sweat it! Because there are plenty of ways to stay cool this summer.

1) First and foremost, be watchful of the weather. Check your local weather forecast, specifically the highs for the week. If you have scheduling freedom on the project you’re working to try to avoid any especially hot days. If you can’t avoid a full day entirely then try to avoid the peak heat of the day. The sun and heat are at their worst from about 12PM to 5PM. If you have the freedom to work early until noon or late in the evening after five these are cooler times to work. Also, with the summer sun staying out so long you can easily work three or four hours with good daylight after five.

2)Work in the shade. Standing directly in the sun makes a big difference, so if at all possible work in the shade. This will possibly mean working on one side of your project (house, shed, etc.) in the morning and the other side in the evening. However, whether you are able to avoid the sun’s rays or not you should always wear sun screen if you will be spending long hours outside in the summer.

3) Stay hydrated!! To help stay cool you should always have ice water or some other cold healthy beverage on hand. Not only will cold ice water cool you off it will also keep you hydrated in the heat. Sweating is essential to staying cool in the summer. If at any point during your work you notice that you’ve stopped sweating stop immediately, drink plenty of water to rehydrate your body, and take a break in a cool (preferably air conditioned) place.


4)Wear the right clothing. Choose lightweight and loose clothing that breathes easy. Cotten and linen based clothing breathe very well and are excellent choices. Athletic style clothing that wicks away sweat also does the trick. And let’s face it, not only are tank tops cooler in the heat than t-shirts, they also leave slightly less embarrassing tan lines.

5)Take short breaks to cool off. If you must work through the heat of the day don’t be afraid of the occasional 10-15 minute break. A quick A/C or popsicle break can work wonders for rejuvenating your drive and will also keep you healthier and happier.

6) Finally, you can hire Textbook Painting to take care of any and all your exterior painting and staining needs. What better way to avoid the heat than to let some good, hard working college students, who enjoy the work do it for you?

So remember, watch the weather, work in the shade, stay hydrated, dress appropriately, and don’t be afraid of the occasional short break. Follow these tips and you’ll stay safe and cool through the hot summer.

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