Kitchen Cabinet Painting Done Right in Westlake

 In Exterior Painting, Interior Painting

We recently completed this beautiful project earlier this year. The owners of this house were looking to have their cabinets redone due to fading of the original color and from the general wear and tear that happens over the years. As you can see in the picture below, the cabinets have changed to more of a peach color from the original light brown.


When doing any cabinet project, it’s important to not cut corners by not removing the doors when painting. In order for the doors to get an even coat, this is a crucial step. Also, always make sure to cover any appliances and counter tops from any accidental spills or paint droplets. (You can read more about how to paint your kitchen cabinets here.)

Kitchen Cabinet Painting Done Right in Westlake

Because the owners wanted to paint, and not re-stain the cabinets, the color white was chosen as the best paint option to complement the room (Read more about colors you should paint your kitchen cabinets). With some new hardware, you can see how the cabinets look completely different.


The white goes nicely with the finished silver of the appliances in the home. This color change gave the kitchen a bright new feel to it once everything was done and cleaned up.


Kitchen Cabinet Painting Done Right in WestlakeWhat do you think of this color transformation? Thinking about starting your own cabinet painting project soon? Call us for a free estimate or click the link!


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First things first, is the paint even still good? If you recently bought it, chances are it’s fine. Storage has a lot to do with how long paint will keep though. If you have a water-based or latex paint, these can usually last for about 10 years. Solvent or oil-based paints will typically out last those by another 5 years. HOW TO CHECK IF IT'S STILL GOOD: Latex - First, smell it. If it smells rancid, it’s gone bad. Does it look like it separated? If it does, remove the thin skin layer on top, and try to mix it back together. Make sure there are no hard spots on the bottom or the sides. If the paint blends back together and looks like the correct color, it should be fine. However, you can always test it by brushing some onto a piece of newspaper to be sure. If it comes out lumpy or rough looking, you should dispose of it. Oil-Based - As we said, storage is everything. As long as it was sealed properly and wasn’t exposed to extreme temperatures, this paint isn’t as prone to going bad as latex is. If it hasn’t been moved for awhile, there’s likely to be a thin skin coat across the top of the paint, which will need to be removed before you try mixing it back together, just like with latex. Ok, so your paint is still good. What are you going to do with it? You can check out this blog we wrote about uses for leftover paint for some ideas. Keep in mind, the options are limitless though. You can find some more great ideas here at HGTV DIY Projects.neutral-colors-look-fantastic-on-this-cleveland-home
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