Fall Home Maintenance Tips 2017

 In Maintenance

This Friday, September 22, 2017 is the first day of fall and as the seasons change there are a handful of important things to do as a homeowner to make sure your home is ready for the winter and following spring and summer.

1. Don’t forget that Day Light Saving Time ends on Sunday November 5, 2017.

2. Be sure to remove all exterior hoses from the spigot before freezing temperatures arrive to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting. If you can access them (usually in the basement) it is a good idea to also shut off the water to the spigot but on most newer homes simply remembering to disconnect everything from the spigot is enough. This includes small attachments that you may have used during the summer.

rush-meadow-ornamental-grass-spring-56011.jpeg3. The fall is a great time to prepare your lawn to be beautiful and healthy next summer. You should consider aerating your lawn to promote healthy root growth. Overseeding and fertizilizing can help your lawn prevent weeds next season. Many homeowners will bag their grass clippings for a clean appearance during the summer but in the fall you should consider using the mulching attachment on your mower. This will allow the grass clippings (and leaf fragments) to decompose into the soil providing vital nutrients to the lawn. Before it snows, be sure to remove all leaves from the yard and cut your grass lower than normal to avoid winter mold on the lawn.

4. As you prepare to run your furnace throughout the winter, be sure to at least inspect and probably replace your furnace filter. It can also be a good time to call a local HVAC company to inspect your furnace. It is a lot better to have preventative maintenace done now instead of needing to repair a non-working furnace in February.

Fall Tips Smoke Detectors5. Fall is also a good reminder to check your smoke detectors. Sure you have heard this one before but make sure you actually replace the batteries. When is the last time you replaced the actual smoke detectors? FEMA recommends replacement every 10 years.

6. When winter arrives, we usually associate that with cold and flu season. While much of this is unavoidable, you might want to look in to having your carpets cleaned as well as your air ducts.

7. Don’t forget to winterize your sprinkler / irrigation system to avoid pipes bursting from freezing temperatures.

Most of these tips are things you can do yourself but some require you to hire a local professional. Fall is a good time to hire someone to provide preventative maintenance against the harsh conditions of the winter.

What other tips do you have? What did we forget? Did we remind you of something here that you might not have been thinking of? Let us know in the comments below.


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